White & Timber House
With access to iconic South Coast views over 7 Mile Beach and Cullunghutti in the background, White and Timber House responds to site with a courtyard floor plan. Besides providing a sheltered outdoor area from harsh onshore weather, the courtyard acts as a light-well to the spaces located at the rear of the house and allows natural heating and cooling throughout.
Inspired by the location, the repeating triangular roofline mimics the waves beyond. We chose to incorporate sustainable shiplap timber cladding, to soften and contrast with the concrete and brick structure and as materials that could withstand the harsh onshore weather. The textured materials highlight the contrasting light and shadow that falls over the house each day.
Exterior timber batten details are carried through to the interior of the home around the central void area and open riser stair detailing.
Images: Shaw Photography. | Build: Lime Building Group. | Engineering: CJL Consulting